segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2014


NEW • Development Release: Porteus 3.1 RC2

Jay Flood has announced the availability of the second release candidate for Porteus 3.1, a set of small Slackware-based live CDs with a choice of KDE, LXQt, MATE and Xfce desktops: "The Porteus Community is joyful to announce the candidate release of Porteus Desktop edition 3.1rc2 and Porteus Kiosk edition 3.1.3." Some of the changes in this release include: "changed usm.desktop to include 'package manager' in application name; KDE 4 stays at the same version - will be upgraded for final to pull latest updates and patches; fixed bug when wallpaper was not always displayed after boot; upgraded LXQt to version 0.8.0 (still compiled against Qt 4); some reported bugs fixed by upstream - PCManFM remembers last window size and it is possible to give the control over desktop to Openbox; fixed disappearing of LXPanel during activation and deactivation of modules...." 

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