sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2015

ExTiX 15.1 Build 150104 (GNOME) / 15.1.1 Build 150205 (LXQt)
ExTiX is an open source and free distribution of Linux based on the Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) operating system and built around the minimal and very lightweight Razor-qt desktop environment, which is written in the Qt programming language. A version with the GNOME 3.14 desktop environment is also available for download.
Only supports the 64-bit architecture

The ExTiX project is designed to be used by end-users who need a modern and handy desktop system for their daily tasks. Unfortunately for some of you, both ExTiX editions support only the 64-bit architecture, mainly because it’s designed to be used on high-end computers. Therefore, if this is an issue for you, we suggest to search our website for another Linux operating system that supports the 32-bit architecture (slow computers).
Includes popular open-source applications

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