sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2015

Bodhi Linux
2015-02-23 04:58 UTCOS Type: Linux
Basado em: Debian, Ubuntu
Origem: USA
Architecture: armhf, i386, x86_64
Ambiente Gráfico: Enlightenment
Categoria: Desktop, Live Medium, Old Computers, Raspberry Pi

Bodhi Linux is an Ubuntu-based distribution for the desktop featuring the elegant and lightweight Enlightenment window manager. The project, which integrates and pre-configures the very latest builds of Enlightenment directly from the project's development repository, offers modularity, high level of customisation, and choice of themes. The default Bodhi system is light -- the only pre-installed applications are Midori, Terminology, EFM (Enlightenment File Manager), ePhoto and ePad -- but more software is available via AppCenter, a web-based software installation tool.

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