domingo, 1 de março de 2015

                     Studio 13.37 2.2

Studio 13.37 is a Puppy Linux derivative, a computer operating system designed for digital content creation. It is a portable multimedia creation operating system that runs entirely from the a USB drive or a CD disc.
Supports 32-bit and 64-bit hardware platforms

The Studio operating system can be purchased from its website as a dual-arch Live CD ISO image or a USB flash drive. It has been engineered to support both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x86_64) hardware platforms.
It boots automatically in 5 seconds

The Live CD has been designed in such a way that it will start the live system with the default kernel in exactly five seconds from the moment the user boots the ISO image from the BIOS of a PC. For a list of boot options, do not hesitate to press the F2 key at the boot prompt.
It’s based on Slacko

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