quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2015

             ROSA Desktop Fresh LXDE 2014.1 R5

ROSA Desktop Fresh LXDE is an open source flavor of the ROSA Fresh Linux distribution built around the lightweight LXDE desktop environment and featuring a number of modifications designed to enhance the user-friendliness of the working environment. It is derived from the Mandriva Linux operating system.
Distributed as Live DVDs for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms

The LXDE edition of ROSA Desktop Fresh can be downloaded from our website or from the project’s homepage as Live DVD ISO images of approximately 1GB in size each, designed for 64-bit and 32-bit instruction set architectures.
Boot options

While the boot menu of the Live DVDs uses a single color background, it allows the user to boot an existing operating system from the first disk, start the live environment, perform a fresh installation with default options or in safe graphics mode, as well as to run a memory test or the Super Grub2 Disk boot recovery tool.

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